Episode 21: Intelligence

Future Chi
Episode 21: Intelligence

The 3 primary organs in Chinese medicine that correlate with intelligence, as represented by their characters here are Heart, Kidney, and Spleen. Information moves up the spinal column via marrow to the brain resulting in what we know as intelligence. A neural network is seen in the background, and R2D2 represents our discussion about human vs artificial intelligence and the ramifications of a completely different way of interacting with technology.

The Episode

There’s lots of people talking lately about Artificial Intelligence (including us) but there isn’t as much talk about Human Intelligence, so this week we’re getting into why that may be and what it means. The experts will tell you there’s no absolute understanding of intelligence and where it comes from. But what did the Taoists have to say about it? How does traditional Chinese medicine define intelligence and its origins? Does intelligence really live in the brain or is there more to it?

This week Jost and Leon discuss the individual factors that together give rise to intelligence. Jost talks about the correlation between memory, concentration, intellect, and the Kidneys, Spleen and Heart, and their internal network connection that we must keep online. Jost also defines the different types of intelligence - organic, spiritual, energetic - and how emotional intelligence is something that can be imitated but not fabricated. Leon discusses interaction design, how AI will change the very fabric of how we interface with technology, and what cats, Egyptology and architectural engineering have in common. Jost and Leon also chat about pre-natal memory, force fields, and how to follow the infinite path.

If we don’t cultivate the physical we don’t feel good. If we don’t feel good we can’t do good, and we will be susceptible to emotionally unintelligent forces. It’s time to unify our awareness, connect to the cosmos, and follow our hearts (the true seat of the mind).