What I do is different depending on the client and project. But I do apply a consistent process to each project, from consultation, to ideation, to result. Here’s how it works.
If you want to book in for an initial consult please enquire below.
I start everything with a sketch. No matter the final goal, be it a concept for a product or vehicle, or the creation of a story, a video, or brand, or all of the above, there’s always a pen and blank sheet of paper at the beginning. This analogue process gets everyone on the same page, captures initial thoughts and ideas, and provides something everyone can reference moving forward.
Below are examples of this process, using physical objects as the heroes of the story to convey the methodology.
With an idea, brief, observation, or research as the input, the basics of my design process involves ideation, exploration, and refinement. This can be seen as a diamond-shaped divergence and convergence of concepts. During this process discussions, additional research, material studies, and inspiration gathering can occur, and this contributes to the expansion and contraction of concepts.
This is where it’s important to distinguish between design as a verb, and design as a noun. One is the process and one is the final result, but both can be considered design. The more efficient and more flexible the process, the better the outcome. (You might even say good design yields good design)
From here I can deliver refined sketches, sketch renderings and conceptual 3D renderings to tell the complete story, along with copy, video, motion, and branding.
Once the ideation and refinement of concepts has occurred, a series of rapid 3D models is created to explore detail, functionality, colour, materials, and finishes, and can be used as assets in pitch materials and concept documents.
More often than not a product, vehicle, or digital service needs context to help tell the story, to communicate functionality, and to paint a picture of the world it lives in. The sketch, to sketch model, to sketch environment process can be done rapidly. With this quick electric utility/delivery vehicle pictured above I included ecosystem considerations such as the integration of chargers and street lighting.
What can I do for you? All we need is a blank sheet of paper and an optimistic mind and anything is possible. Get in touch below and let’s make the future cooler.
“Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to their work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine.”