Future Chi
Episode 33: Heart Health - Timelessness, Consciousness, Expansion, Return, and 8 Billion Ideas
The Episode
This week Jost and Leon have a timely heart to heart, about heart health. While cardiovascular issues have long been the world’s biggest killer, the Heart is much more than just a physiological machine. The Heart is the seat of the mind, the coordinator of all other organs, and our internal command centre. Its job reach out into the unknown, expand, and return with new information. So the more stressed the heart becomes the less able it is to see its way forward and this leads to despondency, pessimism and confusion about who we are, where we’re going and what we’re here to do.
In this episode Jost takes us on health journey over the past few decades and gives a rundown on why a sudden spike in heart conditions hasn’t come out of the blue. From the Liver-wrecking overdrive of the 90’s, to the Spleen-burnout mental overstimulation of the 2000’s, to the Kidney-punishing 2010’s, this organ progression paved the way for a massive health crisis that has now reached the Heart. Jost goes on to explain that since the Heart’s role is to create and express ideas, it is also directly linked to our purpose. But if there are disruptions to this process - which we are experiencing now more than ever - then plaque builds up, arteries constrict and the results are inevitable. Leon talks about what happens when external security slips from our grasp, the struggle to see into the future with optimism, and the need for slow art to combat the freneticism of insatiable algorithms.
Jost and Leon also talk about guerrilla marketing in the 90’s (involving Egyptian themes, Chinese medicine and Harley Davison chains), the timelessness of good design, and the relationship between our internal software and hardware…or rather, heartware.