Episode 36: Speaking Up

Future Chi
Episode 36: Speaking Up - Thoughtcrimes, Censorship, Zombies, Self Expression, and Understanding the Battle

The Episode

What concerns you and what are you willing to speak up about? Is it a prepackaged ideology or is it what you really think, really feel, and really believe? While it was once common to speak up, express opinions and engage in spirited debates it’s now difficult to say anything without fear of offending someone. If we can’t speak up about how we really feel, we can’t come together and have a coherent discussion about what really needs to be done. We’re now experiencing unprecedented levels of division. How did we get here? What’s caused us to identify and attack each other’s differences instead of recognising what unites us?

A lot of pain was generated over the last few years. Wilfully divisive language, attitudes, and policies came from multiple angles… be it from employers, friends and family, the media, or our leaders. Speaking out was encouraged as long it fit the narrative, and for many others this lead to a spiral of self censorship and suppressed emotions. But no matter what side you found yourself on, it’s becoming increasingly hard to move forward without addressing what happened. 

We need to speak up. If we don’t say what truly matters to us we create underlying patterns that cause problems in our physical and mental health, and the symptoms are now coming to the surface thick and fast. 

In this episode Jost and Leon get into the topic of self censorship, self expression, and the importance of getting to the root of what divides us. Jost talks about his post-pandemic heart healing workshops and the debilitating levels of PTSD they revealed, the connection between immunity and our belief patterns, and how negative thoughtforms (known as Phlegm in Chinese medicine) can spread and stop us from seeing inside ourselves and seeing reality. He also talks about the connection between this and ‘yo-yo flus’, weight gain, and brain fog, and how to begin the healing process and fight for our right to health and happiness. Leon talks about zombie bureaucrats, useful idiots and misguided righteousness, and the connection between thoughtforms and the face-huggers from Alien. Jost and Leon also talk about losing friends, how to view George Orwell’s 1984 from a health perspective, and the importance of understanding the battle before engaging in it. 

Speaking up is essential for our health and our sanity, so let’s start the inner journey of self healing and ensure that what we express outwards is clear, true, and real.