Episode 44: Uptimism

Future Chi
Episode 44: Uptimism - Inspiration, Growth, Overcoming Negativity, Evolving the Soul, and Being Bold

The Episode

It feels like we’re sailing further and further out into an ocean of weirdness, uncertainty and instability, with positivity and optimism in short supply. In dark times, when the horizon is hard to see, it's easy to lose hope and become entangled in anger, cynicism and negativity. But dwelling in the dark is not what we’re here to do. We’re here to learn, evolve, and grow, and to do that we need to be excited and inspired about the future. 

In this episode, Jost and Leon shine a light into the dark with an inspiring chat about the challenging times we find ourselves in, and how the end of one age is the dawn of a new one. Jost talks about the 30th anniversary of his first clinic, the Osiris Health Care Centre, and how his bold leap into the unknown - that coincided with the boom of the Mind Body Spirit festival movement - opened up a new cosmic reality to countless people. He also talks about the Hippy era, the New Age, the cycles of boom, commercialisation and dispersion that these movements go through, and how each pulse wave of change reaches a peak before making way for the something better. Jost also chats about the critical importance of tapping into the source of inspiration and excitement which enters us via the Heart, and how now more than ever creativity, optimism and bravery are the vital tools we need to light the path ahead. Leon chats about the benefits of popular culture and its role in introducing meaning if you’re willing to go beneath the surface, and the undeniable spirit that is conveyed in martial arts films like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. He also talks about the over-academisation of design education and the problems of teaching without knowing, and why analysts are the last people we should trust to guide us into the future. 

Jost and Leon also talk about tapping into the pulsating rhythm of the universe, Deepak Chopra vs. Jimmy Barnes, blacksmithing, Bashar and the 5th dimension, Nirvana (the band not the Buddhist concept), hippy surf brands, and the Age of Aquarius. They also talk about how to ride the waves of instability, deal with negative institutions, news and people, and the difference between positive thinking and positive doing.

The body is an instrument of the soul to execute its mission here on earth, so by participating in the physical world we in turn evolve the soul. That participation comes with trials, tribulations and difficult, dark times. Our job is to not be trapped by this, but to boldly go beyond and help bring forth the next age.